Thursday, April 9, 2015


Welcome ,

I hope you enjoy reading about our journey with ASD and SPD. I am Cash's mom Crystal and I need a place to talk about all the new thing's we go through on a daily basis with cash. I hope to be able to post our stories , helpful information on ASD and SPD , arts and crafts that are sensory friendly and much , much more. I am full time working mom , married to an awesome dude and have 2 other children aside from Cash. Our other two children have some special thing's going on in their life's as well. Autism is not always pretty and some days I HATE IT but I would never trade my life for a perfect one. I hope some of things I post will be helpful to you just remember everyone who has or is on the spectrum is different and that is why it is called a spectrum because it is so broad and wide. Please be kind and keep negative comments off the blog as they will be removed right away. this is a NO JUDGEMENT ZONE!