Thursday, July 9, 2015

Some people are just RUDE

Hey Flash Fans ,

So last month we visited a water park about 3 hours away.
It was expensive and far and really crappy service so I left a review on their Facebook page regarding our experience just incase anyone else with special needs children go. It was not a good review and I also contacted them via Facebook and I was told to contact their company directly so I did and received 0 response.
Today someone decided to take it upon themselves to be rude and comment their opinion regarding my review and our visit, what they said was uncalled for. It was a reminder of how rude and cruel our world can be with simple little words. It also reminded me that I do not know what the future holds but for as long as I am alive I will do my best to protect not just Cash but ALL of my kids.

Our special needs children deserve to be treated just like any other child and do the same things all children do without discrimination. If our special needs children need certain accommodations to make visits possible it should be given so they can participate just like any other child.

Here are some screen shots that I took of this woman's comment towards me and my response back.

Remember Flash family we are our children's voices take a stand and never be ashamed. Teach your child/children to use kind words and to use them wisely. Educate whenever you have the chance change someone's perspective.