Sunday, May 17, 2015

Why I want my Autistic son knowing how to loose

Losing is something that just happens in life and as parents I think it is our job to show all of our kids that loosing does and will eventually happen to each and every one of them at some point in their life's. I want my Autistic child to experience everything the good and the bad I believe that is how we teach life long lessons that are important to our children. If we single out , shelter and not allow our children to experience the good and the bad than I personally feel like as parents we are letting our children down. My son hates loosing , you can see it burning in his eyes when he is about to loose his little eyebrows furrow and he puts on his angry Godzilla face his little hands ball into fist and sometimes he slams them on the table and it's like the world is about to be crushed around him but , he has to know that it happens you loose you do not always get to win it's important. Don't get me wrong we are still suckers and let him win every now and then because lets face it he is only 6 and it makes him happy and that smile could crush you. My biggest thing is him knowing that it's okay to loose it does not mean the world is ending it will not shatter and you will get other options to win maybe not now , maybe not even the next time but in life you can win and loose and most of the time it will still be okay.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Open letter to Katie Hopkins

Dear Katie ,

Firstly I would like to personally thank you for your bad behavior towards the Autism Community. Surprised? You should be. People like you make it harder for others and easier for some. For us , you will make it easier to ease my son into the real world when he is old enough to wander out into it. He will come across cruel , heartless and cold people like yourself and with our help he will understand how to handle himself. See my son right now is an awesome 6yr old little boy who has AUTISM. Does it rule his everyday living? YES! Is Autism my son? NO. My son is an awesome child who loves Dinosaurs , Godzilla and can tell you just about everything regarding them. See Katie my son doesn't like to be cruel or heartless he has feelings just like any other child just like your kids. Surprised yet? He gets upset when others are hurt, when people are in pain. My son would feel bad for you if he could understand the cruel things that come from your mouth or even your hands as you type them out. Right now as I type this out I am watching my son play like a typical child. See your words hurt not just our kid's but the parents as well. We never choose to have a child with Autism but it was the hand we were given. I personally would not trade my son even during one of this bad days because my son is who he is and I love him regardless of what is noted on his medical chart. My son was my son before he was diagnosed with Autism and he will remain my son until the day I die.


Mom on a mission

Monday, May 4, 2015

5 Must read books for parents with kiddos on the spectrum

I have compiled 5 must read books for parents with children on the spectrum. I enjoy a good laugh and some of these you may not like , but I love hearing and seeing people living "normal" lives when they have special needs kiddo's. We try hard to not treat our children different even though they are unique. It's nice to know you are not alone on this journey and that so many people now and before have walked the same path. I hope you enjoy this and maybe even read one or two of them.

1. Ten thing's every child with Autism wishes you knew by Ellen Notbohm - Excellent book full of great advice and really gives you an understanding of how ASD really is for our children.

2. The reason I jump - Naoki Higashida & David Mitchell
Nothing is better than a ASD child giving you a glimpse inside their mind

3. I wish I were engulfed in flames - Jeni Decker
Hilarious book , raw and real and so worth reading

4. Elephant in the playroom - Denise Brodey

5. Chicken soup for the soul Raising kids on the spectrum - I am still reading this one hopefully it will be a good one.

I hope ya'll decide to pick one of these up , you're local library is a great resource and free at that what more could you ask for.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Facebook Page

Cash The Flash also has a Facebook page. Please do not forget to go check it out and continue to spread awareness and shine a light on Autism. April may be over but Autism never sleeps , well ok it does sleep for maybe 2 hours but autism is a real and it never stops so awareness never should either.
Cash The Flash Facebook page