Sunday, May 17, 2015

Why I want my Autistic son knowing how to loose

Losing is something that just happens in life and as parents I think it is our job to show all of our kids that loosing does and will eventually happen to each and every one of them at some point in their life's. I want my Autistic child to experience everything the good and the bad I believe that is how we teach life long lessons that are important to our children. If we single out , shelter and not allow our children to experience the good and the bad than I personally feel like as parents we are letting our children down. My son hates loosing , you can see it burning in his eyes when he is about to loose his little eyebrows furrow and he puts on his angry Godzilla face his little hands ball into fist and sometimes he slams them on the table and it's like the world is about to be crushed around him but , he has to know that it happens you loose you do not always get to win it's important. Don't get me wrong we are still suckers and let him win every now and then because lets face it he is only 6 and it makes him happy and that smile could crush you. My biggest thing is him knowing that it's okay to loose it does not mean the world is ending it will not shatter and you will get other options to win maybe not now , maybe not even the next time but in life you can win and loose and most of the time it will still be okay.

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