Friday, May 15, 2015

Open letter to Katie Hopkins

Dear Katie ,

Firstly I would like to personally thank you for your bad behavior towards the Autism Community. Surprised? You should be. People like you make it harder for others and easier for some. For us , you will make it easier to ease my son into the real world when he is old enough to wander out into it. He will come across cruel , heartless and cold people like yourself and with our help he will understand how to handle himself. See my son right now is an awesome 6yr old little boy who has AUTISM. Does it rule his everyday living? YES! Is Autism my son? NO. My son is an awesome child who loves Dinosaurs , Godzilla and can tell you just about everything regarding them. See Katie my son doesn't like to be cruel or heartless he has feelings just like any other child just like your kids. Surprised yet? He gets upset when others are hurt, when people are in pain. My son would feel bad for you if he could understand the cruel things that come from your mouth or even your hands as you type them out. Right now as I type this out I am watching my son play like a typical child. See your words hurt not just our kid's but the parents as well. We never choose to have a child with Autism but it was the hand we were given. I personally would not trade my son even during one of this bad days because my son is who he is and I love him regardless of what is noted on his medical chart. My son was my son before he was diagnosed with Autism and he will remain my son until the day I die.


Mom on a mission

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