Wednesday, June 24, 2015

DIY sensory bottles

Hey Flash Family ,

Today I decided to have a little fun and create some Sensory bottles with the kids. This is a great way to get the kiddo's hands dirty and do a little learning and get them fully engaged.
Cash has a love for all thing's messy so no doubt he had a blast. I managed to get his sister and Daddy involved and we all created one big brother was too busy on Minecraft. We may have added a wee too much of food coloring but hey learning is learning.
Cash loves to create he has a great imagination which surprises a lot of people because people are lead to believe spectrum kiddo's do not have one BUT I can attest that children on the spectrum of some most brightest and have some of the best imagination's.
I believe that Cash is doing so well because we never hold back we engage him as much as possible in daily life and embrace his obsessions.

So what you will need for the Sensory bottles we made

Plastic clear bottles with lids (We used gatoraid bottles and small juice bottles)
Oil (We used vegetable BUT you can use baby or mineral oil)
Glitter of all colors (Purchased at our local dollar tree)
Confetti (Purchased at our local dollar tree)
Food coloring
Hot glue gun and glue

Step 1: help your kiddo fill up the bottle about 3/4 of the way up with tap water
Step 2: help your kiddo fill the remaining bottle up with the oil of your choice (the oil will remain at the top)
Step 3: have your kiddo pour in the glitter , confetti and food coloring I recommend going slow and maybe even helping your child.
Step 4: Parents please put the hot glue around the rim of the water bottle and then screw on the lids tightly and let dry before letting your child shake and watch the sensory bottle.

These were so easy to make we will be doing them with different items next time.

Enjoy the photos and feel free to share and have a blast making one.

We did not use the Super Scents :-)

This is so fun to watch

Great Sensory play

Finished product and endless Sensory imput

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