Sunday, June 28, 2015

Why I started Cash The Flash blog & Facebook page

Hey Flash Family ,

I wanted to give you all a little insight on why I started this Blog and Facebook page it's going to be a long post but worth it.
I received Cassius DX May 2014 towards the end of the month shortly before he ended Kindergarten. Cash was always a bit different from the time he entered this world via C-section in 2008 he was crying before his head was even all the way out. I remember the Doctor stating "Wow his head not even out and he is crying". This was a pattern that continued throughout his toddler years. Here are some of the thing's Cash experienced as a infant/toddler prior to DX

Crying often
sensitive to sounds (especially this dog toy pig)
Scared of people ( Except those in his comfort zone)
GI issues (From birth until even now)
terrified of water
hated having his hair washed and toes/fingers clipped
Night terrors
The list seriously could go on and on

Due to his stress levels he also had severe eczema which spread across one of his cheeks and his back I am just now making this link.

Around 3-4 Cash started talking to things in his bedroom that were not visible to us. He would get aggravated and stay up all night even sometimes yelling saying "No don't touch that it's my property" Or "I can't play I have to sleep"
One day around 4 years old I caught him kneeling on his toy box looking out the window and he said "NO I don't want to go yet I am not ready to die"  this is when we started to see that something was definitely off. A few months later he had his 5th birthday and started kindergarten a few short weeks later.
I pre-warned his teacher that he would be a handful but school just made his behaviors escalate even more. His hoarding behaviors became worse collecting paper , sticks , bugs  , his flight or fight response clicked on he would often leave the classroom without permission and he started talking to things and covering his ears frequently.

I contacted our pediatrician who suggested that we take him to a therapist so that is exactly what we did.

Our initial visit went well and she had to give some possible DX so our insurance would cover continuing visits

possible Schizophrenia
mood disorder

After we left that initial appointment I got online and read about different causes while Schizophrenia was pretty high on my list I wondered how 5 year old could possibly have something psychologist rarely see in children so young.
We came across Autism and I was in shock this fit Cash to a T no doubt about it

Over the next 6 months Cash received therapy to help us out and in May of 2014 we finally received the DX Autism and because of this Cash got discharged from therapy because they were not able to "treat" Autism at the clinic he was attending.

From the moment of DX I have been on my own with the support of my awesome husband. Cash was changed school and put into a SLC program 6 weeks prior to end of kindergarten.  Cash also attended therapy and OT for a short period of time in Jan 2015 both asked to take a break from seeing him and his behaviors escalated.

We are still currently on our own trying to figure out this awesome autism life since Cash received his DX he has also been DX for Sensory processing and ADHD and he still has that lingering possible Schizophrenia.
Our oldest has received a DX of SPD , ADD and is awaiting a DX for Autism (High like Cash)
Our Daughter has Severe dyslexia and Anxiety due to her not being able to read and she may have a brain developmental delay (Sorry I am unsure of the Formal name for this

I started this blog and Facebook page so I could share our story with others and give other hope. I am passionate about Autism and "abilities" Our kids can continue to grow and learn just like any other child just in a different way.
I hope you will learn something by reading and following us I did not create his page to get the most likes (Although it is nice hehe) But because we need to spread awareness and acceptance it is important.

Thanks Flash Family we love all of you

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